What’s a multipotentialite?

Emilie Wapnick TED talk

After listening to Emilie Wapnick’s TED talk on “Why some of us don't have one true calling” she introduced me to the term: multipotentialite and popularized it with her TED talk.

“Multipotentialite: someone with many interests and creative pursuits. It stems from the word multipotentiality–a psychological and educational term used to describe people who display aptitudes across multiple disciplines.”

— Emilie Wapnik

My multipotentialite or scanner or polymath brain likes to deep dive many topics — and over the last couple of years (with COVID keeping us inside), I’ve really enjoyed discovering online courses like Domestika. They cover many creative areas and provide a forum for engaging with a virtual international community. Reminds me of what I missed when I left corporate—an international perspective from my colleagues overseas. I’ve also spent time logging, rereading, and categorizing my hybrid concepts and searching for ways to capture what my inside voices are nudging me to do.

Emilie has started a whole Puttyverse as a playground space of sorts.

“The Puttyverse is a space for multipotentialites of all ages, cultures, locations, and levels. We brainstorm, help each other with our many projects, collaborate, co-work, and learn from one another. It's a really warm place, where everyone understands ‘what you're up to’ when you have a dozen projects or jump from passion to passion. We're a truly global community of over 600 multipotentialites.”

Emilie Wapnik's Puttyverse sample portal

Puttyverse Sample Portal

Are you a multipotentialite? I bet you are if you’re read this far. What do you do to organize and support your many projects?

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