How much neuroplasticity does your brain have?
Neuroplasticity has fascinated me even before realizing its importance while recovering from my strokes. Years ago, I discovered Dr. Laura Boyd’s TEDx talk “After watching this your brain will not be the same.” I felt changed. #thoughtechoes
What’s a multipotentialite?
Are you a multipotentialite? After listening to Emilie Wapnick’s TED talk on “Why some of us don't have one true calling” she introduced me to the term: multipotentialite and popularized it with her TED talk. #thoughtechoes
How can I develop a HyperThinking mindset?
All my life I’ve enjoyed learning new things, some only cursory, others more in-depth. Philip’s course focuses on our business lives. But there is such a squishy barrier between our personal and professional interests. I found going through the exercise helped organize my life, not only my business persona.
Want to develop a closer relationship with your mind?
Welcome to the thought echoes blog - where we explore our thoughts, consciousness, and our entanglement with others.