Dr. Sunita Sah: defiance is acting in accordance with your values when there's opposing pressure


Sunita Sah: defiance is acting in accordance with your values when there's pressure to do otherwise
Beth Bonness

Also available on: YouTube Spotify Apple Podcasts

Join me for an interview with Dr. Sunita Sah, award-winning professor and organizational psychologist. Listen as Dr. Sunita shares from her upcoming book Defy: the Power of No in a World That Demands Yess where she explores reframing defiance.

“We need a new definition. We do need to reframe it. The old definition is that defiance is to challenge the power of another person openly and boldly. My new definition is simply acting in accordance with your values when there's pressure to do otherwise.”

— Dr. Sunita Sah

Learn more about Dr. Sunita: website, book, X, LinkedIn

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“Agent Alone” music courtesy of Purple Planet Music — Thank you!


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